Sunday, October 7, 2012

About Me

Greetings to All! My name is Empress Theodora of the Byzantine Empire. I was born in the early 6th Century B.C.E. My father worked at the Hippodrome as a bear and animal keeper. When he passed away, my mother began to start my acting career. Soon I became a Monophysite while wool-spinning and still working as an actress. Not after long did I come in contact with Justinian, the hier to the throne of Byzantium and the nephew of the emperor Justin.
I soon gained his attention and he repected me completely. In the year 532, when the factions Blues and Greens started to theaten myhusband's rule on the throne, I advised for him to stay home along wiht his officers and generals to crush the rebellion.
Justianian has consulted me for advice on numerous occasions. He wrote a new constitution to help end the rebellions by public officials. I also established many reforms for women throughout the empire. I expanded women's rights for property ownership during divorces, granting guardianships rights over their children, and outlawing the murder of a wife who committed adultery against her husband.
Justianian and I had no children together, but were happily married until my death on June 28, 548 B.C.E. of an unknown illness.


  1. Forgot citation- Women's history

  2. This is a very interesting story how when Justainian was in doubt he would go to his wife for consult. SOmethng teachers never showed me in history class.

  3. How did society especially men react to the women reforms you established? How did your husband react?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very in depth. What was the political structure of his empire like? I know that he wanted one united empire, but did different areas have their own smaller governments (similar to federalism)?
